News from Pressenza

United Colors of Murder

By Observatorio Argentino In Argentina, the government of Mauricio Macri, in cahoots with large oil, mining and agro-industrial consortiums, has unleashed a ferocious and murderous assault against indigenous communities throughout the country, with the complicity of the legal system and the support of the mainstream media. The global community and international institutions must act now […]

Pressenza Muenchen

Noticias de Pressenza

Creado Comité por la Libertad de Milagro Sala en Alemania

Comunicado de prensa del Comité por la Libertad de Milagro Sala de Alemania Ciudadanos de distintas nacionalidades, provenientes de Alemania, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay y Suiza, todos residentes en este país, hemos creado el Comité por la libertad de Milagro Sala. La activista social Milagro Sala junto con Mirta Aizama y Gladys Díaz (alojadas en la […]

Pressenza Muenchen